If you are a busy person and looking for a quick answer then here it is. These are in our opinion the best-rated juicers sold on Amazon:
- Best Budget Juicer: Hamilton Beach 67650 Juicer
- Best Mid-Range Juicer: Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain
- Best High-End Juicer: Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite
- Best Masticating Juicer: Omega J8004 Nutrition Center
However, if you would like to learn more about juicers and know why the above ones are the best in their category then read on.
So, have you been thinking about buying a juicer for a long time and now finally decided to go ahead with it?
Juicer is probably the most important appliance in your kitchen. More important than Fryer, Pan, Microwave Oven and even Food Processor.
Why is that so?
Well, the answer is pretty simple. If you look around your kitchen you find out that almost all kitchen gadgets are intended for cooking.
And as you probably know, cooking destroys many vital nutrients, including vitamins and enzymes that support your digestion.
Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with cooking. Not many people can survive on a raw food diet. Cooking is fine when it comes to proteins, fats or carbs.
However, everybody needs also vitamins, minerals and enzymes to maintain health and wellbeing. And that’s where juicers come into place.
We have prepared comprehensive Juicer Comparison Chart that shows the most popular juicers in each price category – premium, mid-range and budget.
Is It Better to Eat the Whole Fruits and Vegetable or To Juice Them?
The short answer is, the whole raw foods are better.
Whole fruits and vegetables contain fiber which is lost after you juice them. Dietary fiber is important for digestion. It helps the food to move more easily in your digestive tract.
And the long answer is – it depends.
If you are deficient in some vitamins or are having troubles with enzymes and need more of them then juicing your fruit and veggies is a better solution.
You see, the fiber which is important is also placing a limit on how much fruit or vegetable you can eat. Juicing allows you to overcome that limit and consume larger volumes that would otherwise be impossible.
However, there is one warning!
Fruits are usually high in sugar, especially fructose. Fructose, if consumed in large quantities, can put burden on your metabolism.
With whole fruits your intake of fructose is naturally limited. This does not apply to juicing and it’s much easier to overdose yourself. So be cautious about it.
We have covered a bit of theory about juicing and nutrition, but now let’s get back to juicers and the original question:
What Juicer is The Best?
Well, as most things in life, the quality and usefulness of things depend on price. The more you are prepared to pay, the better product you get.
That said, off course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some more expensive products may not necessarily be of higher quality.
That’s why we created our Juicers Review. We hand-picked most popular Juicers sold on Amazon from all price ranges. Then we grouped them into 3 categories based on price.
And finally we evaluated ratings and reviews from people who bought them. The primary focused was given on number of reviews. That indicates particular juicer popularity.
Then as a second major parameter we used individual product ratings. They tell you how good- or poor-rated each juicer is.
Finally, we also took into account features and functions of each juicer.
All put together we then assigned our own score to each juicer. So now you can easily find the most-popular and at the same time the best-rated juicer in each price range. Which price range you choose depends on your budget or preference.
If you look at our Juicers Review, you will notice that it contains two types of juicers – centrifugal and masticating. So, the next question is:
Should You Choose Centrifugal or Masticating Juicer?
As usual, before answering this question let’s explain what’s the difference.
Centrifugal Juicers first shred fruits and vegetable into very small pieces, also called a pulp. Analogy would be mash potato. Fruits are broken down into a matter that consists of fiber, solid mass and juice (mostly water).
The pulp is then spun at high velocity that separates the juice from the solid matter.
And that’s it! The solid matter is collected usually into some attached chamber and the juice is drained into a cap or other container. You drink the juice and throw away the mass.
Masticating Juicers work slightly differently. They crush and squeeze pieces of fruit and vegetable to drain the juices out.
They work slower than centrifugal juicers but can process some types of vegetables that the other can’t. Examples are green leafy vegies like wheat grass or young barley. They also typically extract more nutrients than centrifugal juicers.
The juices produced by masticating juicers usually last a bit longer. However, juices from both types of juicers must be either drunk right away or be stored in a fridge.
The fresher the juice is, the more nutrients it contains, especially enzymes which tend to degrade pretty quickly.
Ok, now you should know all the important information about juicers. If you haven’t checked our Juicer Comparison Chart yet, you can do it now.
To sum it up, today’s winners are (click to view them on Amazon):
- Best Budget Juicer: Hamilton Beach 67650 Juicer
- Best Mid-Range Juicer: Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain
- Best High-End Juicer: Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite
- Best Masticating Juicer: Omega J8004 Nutrition Center
We hope that you found this article useful.
Have you got any suggestions or own experience with juicers? If so I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
One Handy Tip
To make sure your Diet is nutritionally balanced use our FREE Nutrition Calculator in Excel. It includes:
- Massive database with 1923 Food items
- For each Food item content of 60 Nutrients (Vitamins, Minerals, Macronutrients and Amino Acids)
To download a Sample of our Nutrition Calculator, click the button below:
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