Best Food Calories & Nutrition Excel Spreadsheet Calculator
Includes: Calories, Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Carbs, Fats, Cholesterol & more
Are you trying to eat the right nutritious food for general well-being? Building your body and muscles in a Gym? Or do you want to lose weight in a healthy way?
Whatever your reasons are, your Diet should always be properly balanced in terms of Nutrients. Now you can easily make sure that it is. We have developed for you, our valued reader, this useful and unique Nutrition Calculator in Excel.
Software requirements
Our Nutrition Calculator is designed for Microsoft Excel 2010, but will also work with Microsoft Excel 2007.
We have tested it on Windows operating systems. It should work in Excel on Apple Mac’s iOS, however, this hasn’t been tested.
To make sure that it works fine on your computer you can download the free version of the calculator and try to use it. If the Free version works fine then the Premium version will work fine as well.
What Foods and Nutritional Values Are Included?
Before creating this calculator we have done some market research. We believe that our calculator is one of the best ones out there. It includes:
1. Massive database of 1923 hand-picked food items (click here for a detailed list).
2. Each food item shows 60 Nutritional Values, such as:
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Proteins (as total and also broken down to essential and non-essential Amino-Acids)
- Fats
- Calories
- Carbohydrates
- Many other important nutrients (data sourced from USDA database)
3. Pre-set recommended daily allowances (RDA / RDI) for each Nutrient.
We recommend you check the Free version first:
Free version contains full food database, but covers only Vitamins and Minerals. If you like it then you can buy the Premium version. Plus you will also get our eBook Nutrition Content of Foods as a bonus for FREE!
Price: 9.95 USD
(Lifetime use with one-time payment. No subscriptions, no renewals.)
IMPORTANT: After completing PayPal payment don’t forget to click “Return to Smart eKits” for your download link.
What will you get?
Diets Plans are focused purely on Calories and neglect other important Nutrients your body needs to function well. Any lack of these and your Health will suffer.
Most Nutritional and Dietary Calculators on the Internet calculate only basic Nutritional Values: Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein or Fats. That’s all…
However, for a complete picture this isn’t enough! What about Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber or Cholesterol?
We were frustrated with the lack of something really meaningful, simple and effective. Therefore, we developed this extremely useful Calculator that does all the hard work for you.
How Will The Calculator Benefit You?
Basically, in few minutes you’ll learn amounts of all essential Nutrients in your food. Making any necessary adjustments to your Diet will then be easy.
You can find foods with high content of all missing Vitamins and Minerals here: Foods Nutrition Facts Guide.
After finding suitable nutritious food, just add it into the Calculator.
How Easy to Use Is It?
Both our Nutrition Calculator and the FREE Foods Nutrition Facts Guide are extremely user friendly.
To use the Calculator you need only a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel. Perhaps, not even that.
We designed our Calculator to be extremely easy and intuitive. You still need Microsoft Excel to run it, but from there nothing more.
Calculator Customizations & Food Database Spreadsheet
This Calculator includes extensive database of Foods and their Nutritional Values. You can even modify it to your specific needs. For example, you can add new foods or include supplements you eat.
Off course, to do these things you have to be skilled in Excel.
Free version of the Calculator is locked against updates to protect our design know-how. However, if you buy the full version, this is fully unlocked and can be modified.
Please note that we sell this Nutrition Calculator “as is”. If you choose to modify it then you will be responsible for all your updates. We do not provide technical support (except for our own errors) or perform troubleshooting of your customizations.
So, What Do You Think?
Grab this Nutrition Calculator today and also get our eBook Nutrition Content of Foods as a bonus for FREE!
Price: 9.95 USD
(Lifetime use with one-time payment. No subscriptions, no renewals.)
IMPORTANT: After completing PayPal payment don’t forget to click “Return to Smart eKits” for your download link.
Instructions / User Manual
To give you a better idea about the Calculator we prepared a set of detailed instructions for you.
First, please review the Calculator (to enlarge click on the picture):
Entering Foods into the Spreadsheet
In the left part of the screen enter all food items you ate, plan to eat or Recipe ingredients for cooking:
1. Select period for your Diet in days (min: 1, max: any)
2. Choose Food Type (vegetable, fruit, nuts, etc.)
3. Enter your food items – pick from a list of 1923 common foods. Food items will be displayed in the drop down list based on the Food Group selected previously.
4. Enter weight of consumed foods (or recipe ingredients) in grams.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for all your food items (up to 100).
That’s it!
Reviewing the Result
After entering all items the Result is ready waiting for you. You can find it in the right part of the screen (6):
Recommended Daily Intake (RDI / RDA)
Our Nutrition Calculator includes also Recommended Daily Allowances (7). The default values are set for an average adult.
If you prefer your own RDA values then simply adjust them to whatever suits you best. They generally depend on gender (male / female), age (child / adult), actual weight and few other factors.
You can find more information about Recommended Daily Allowances on this website.
For the best results use our Nutrition Calculator together with these two FREE resources:
- Top Food Lists for Nutrients (or included FREE eBook: Nutrition Content of Foods)
- Recommended Daily Allowances (appropriate for gender, age and other cases)
So, why wait?
Start receiving all the Health Benefits our Calculator offers from day one.
To buy this Calculator simply click the “Buy Now” button below. Plus you will get our eBook Nutrition Content of Foods as a bonus for FREE!
Price: 9.95 USD
(Lifetime use with one-time payment. No subscriptions, no renewals.)
IMPORTANT: After completing PayPal payment don’t forget to click “Return to Smart eKits” for your download link.